Undertreated opioid use disorder (OUD) during pregnancy contributes to poor maternal and neonatal outcomes and worsening maternal mortality in the United States, and rate [...]
2023 |
Capstone |
S. Gorham Babson was born in Hood River, Oregon in 1912, and entered UOMS in 1932. He opened a private practice in Portland in 1940 in an era without major antibiotics or [...]
1999 June 23 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |
Recent evidence links infant body composition at birth to an increased risk of adult chronic disease. However, few human studies have explored the association between m [...]
2018-06-01 |
Thesis |
Research has long supported the implication that the environment in which people live can have a dramatic impact on the outcomes of their health. Examples of health outco [...]
2020 |
Final project |
A black and white photograph of a nurse holding a newborn infant. Below them is a sign for the Infants Ward [possibly at Doernbecher Memorial Hospital for Children].
undated |
Still image |
Grace Phelps Papers |
Includes articles on: Citizens support group forms to support OHSU, high-risk infants get follow-up care at CCD clinic, employees take advantage of health care at OHSU, D [...]
1981 August |
Periodical |
Institutional Publications|OHSU News |
Includes articles on: OHSU announces plan to do heart transplants, fourth annual research convocation happens, Chinese health care ambassadors visit Oregon, project offer [...]
1985 October |
Periodical |
Institutional Publications|OHSU News |
Black and white photograph of a Perinatal Transport System incubator patient transfer from a helicopter to a van destined for the Neonatal Intensive Care Center of Doernb [...]
1970s |
Still image |
Historical Image Collection |
Premature infants are exposed to a high lipid environment at earlier developmental stages than is normal, either via fat-rich breastmilk or by intravenous lipid emulsion [...]
2023-08-21 |
Abstract |