Strategic Communications Images |
Color photograph of the exterior of the Library/Biomedical Information and Communication Center (BICC), facing south-east.
1991 Fall |
Still image |
Historical Image Collection |
Karen Peterson, M.A., was the first archivist of OHSU Historical Collections & Archives, who began working as an intern at OHSU during her graduate studies. She was h [...]
2014 May 16 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |
Susan Conrad is an important character in the story of OHSU's transition into the age of the personal computer, the use of modern technology in health and science, and be [...]
2019 January 11 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |
Strategic Communications Images |
Black and white photograph of Marquam Hill Campus taken from near or above the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC), centered on the skybridge connecting VAMC and Unive [...]
circa 1991 |
Still image |
Historical Image Collection |
Historical Image Collection, Box 25
1991 |
Still image |
Historical Collections and Archives |
Digital scan of a photograph of the OHSU Library in the BICC Building on the OHSU campus. The photograph was taken from the top of the stairs on the fourth floor, looking [...]
1991 |
Still image |
Historical Collections and Archives |
Includes articles on: John Kendall, M.D., named new dean of School of Medicine, Biomedical library funded, upcoming convocation will highlight university research, state [...]
1983 November |
Periodical |
Institutional Publications|OHSU News |
Strategic Communications Images |