

Black and white photograph of the University of Oregon Medical School, Class of 1973, during their First Year 1969-70. Pictured: Allen, Paul A.; Ampel, Kenneth R.; Anderson, Douglas; Anderson, Robert R.; Barker, George T.; Bean, Daniel; Berube, Stacy C.; Birkemeier, Susan G.; Bishop, Gerald F.; Bissell, William G.; Blanchard, Donald L.; Blumfield, David; Boileau, Michel A.; Brenneman, Calvin D.; Brown, Doyle H.; Burton, Wayne N.; Button, Gerald; Camp, Perry E.; Cedergreen, Robert E.; Cutsforth, David H.; David, Frederick M.; Donley, Michael James; Dresser, Jon L.; Fleer, Robert E.; Furrow, Timothy; Gilbertson, Phillip R.; Gleeson, Timothy C.; Gordinier, Patrick; Gospodnetich, Thomas G.; Grewenow, Ronald D.; Grube, David R.; Harrison, Howard F.; Harvey, Harmon Thomas, Jr.; Hawkins, Richard S.; Hill, Bernard W.; Hodge, Thomas H.; Holverstott, Dennis; Jendrzejewski, John W.; Kapernick, Peter S.; Kellosalmi, Raimo Marcus; Kenny, Robin Q.; Kitzhaber, John A.; Larson, Alan W.; Lasselle, Donald Dale; Ligon, John; Livermore, Arthur Hamilton, Jr.; Lyman, John Bingner; Mackey, Dennis A.; Markham, Michael J.; Markwell, Harry Stuart; Matta, Joel M.; Mccusker, Jean Elizabeth; Mecklem, Nicholas K.; Merrick, John; Moore, Frank H.; Moore, Laurie Jo; Morgan, Glenn Wilkinson; Nicola, Ray M.; Norgaard, Raymond C., Jr.; Norris, Paul; Oldroyd, Ronald; Olsen, Michael S.; Olson, Barry Dean; Olson, Eric; Pavlinac, Dennis; Peters, Donald R.; Peterson, Ernest C.; Podemski, Benjamin; Porter, David W.; Rapp, Joseph H.; Robert, Edward W.; Rosenbaum, Thomas J.; Rudin, Marilyn L.; Sandberg, Maynard Craig; Sharp, Ronald John; Silva, Guy D.; Skolnick, Stephen M.; Snyder, Stephen J.; Sparks, Danny C.; Stage, Key H.; Sunamoto, Kenneth M.; Thompson, Daniel Wayne; Thornburgh, Larry; Tolby, Blaine Evan; Trowbridge, Barry Michael; Tysell, James Reynolds; Underwood, Fred Lee; Van Houten, Grant Chris; Weare, Mary E.; Wilson, James




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