During neural development cells must migrate to the appropriate destination and establish connections with the appropriate cell types. The cell adhesion molecule Dystroglycan has been shown to be involved in neural migration and axon targeting in multiple brain regions. In the hippocampus, Dystroglycan is involved in CCK+ basket axon targeting of pyramidal cells in CA1-3. In this dissertation, I show that Dystroglycan is also required for the function of these CCK+ basket synapses in a manner dependent on both the extracellular glycosylation of Dystroglycan and intracellular interactions with Dystroglycan. Similarly, I show that Dystroglycan is also located at cerebellar molecular layer interneuron synapses onto Purkinje cells and is required for the function of these synapses in a mechanism that mirrors that in the hippocampus. Finally, I identify Cntnap1 as a novel interacting partner of Dystroglycan in the brain.