As the U.S. population ages, demand for long-term care services is increasing. Adult Foster Homes (AFHs), small residential care settings offering personalized support fo [...]
2025-03-01 |
Dissertation |
Due to their genetic, behavioral, and physiological similarities to humans, rhesus macaques (Macacca mulatta) have long been used as a translational model in biomedical r [...]
2020 |
Abstract |
In 2014, older adults accounted for about 15% of the total United States population, and this total is projected to increase to 21% by the year 2030. As this population [...]
2018-06-01 |
Final project |
This poster was based on a community outreach project that was an educational and informative session on all things related to bones and aging. This project provided 65+ [...]
2021 |
Capstone |
The United States population is rapidly aging. The population age 65 and older increased from 39.6 million in 2009 to 54.1 million in 2019 (a 36% increase) and is project [...]
2023-09-07 |
Abstract |
Current CDC statistics show that one in eight adults aged 60 and older experience frequent confusion or memory loss. Cognitive decline significantly affects older adults' [...]
2018-01-01 |
Capstone |
Older adults are often reluctant to engage in fall prevention activities. Understand how older adults respond to fall prevention and identify attributes that affect their [...]
2020 |
Abstract |