An average of 12% of preschoolers receiving special education services require alternative and augmentative communication, yet AAC interventions are rarely initiated with [...]
2024 |
Abstract |
Black and white photograph of Sharon Guthrie working with a patient in the Child Development and Rehabilitation Center.
20th century |
Still image |
Historical Image Collection |
Black and white photograph of Merry Meek, a speech instructor, working with a patient.
1977 |
Still image |
Historical Image Collection |
Face-to-face testing procedures, or conventional administration, have been the mainstay of language assessment for children. However, automated administration has the pot [...]
2020 |
Abstract |
Conversational Reciprocity is the socially expected, back-and-forth nature of a conversation between interlocutors. Clinicians have described conversational differences o [...]
2022 |
Abstract |
The goal of this work was to study speech prosody in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Increasing our understanding of how prosody is different in ASD may be important for [...]
2017 |
Dissertation |
This study examined lifetime medical and psychiatric morbidity reported by caregivers of 2,917 autistic adults participating in the US research cohort SPARK. Participants [...]
2020 |
Abstract |